About Us

Company about

The Company is into the business as traders , dealers, whol-salers, retailers,of yarns and fabrics of wool,cotton, jute, silk, rayon,nylon, terylene and other natural, synthetic and/or fibrous substances either on its own account or on and dealers of furnishing fabrics, in all its branches or process natural starch and other sizing materials,dye-stuff  synthetic or chemical substances, of all kinds of and compounds and other substances,either basic, intermediate, all kinds of paper, electrical fittings, fixtures and electronic goods and trading in such other items as may be deemed by the company.

The Company is also involved  into carry and undertake business if finance, investment and trading, hire purchse, leasing and to finance lease opration of all kinds, purchasing, selling, hiring or letting on hire all kinds, of plant and machinery and the equipment that the company may think fit and to assist in financing of all and every kind and description of hire purchase or deferred payment or similar transaction and to subsidise, finance or assist in subsidising or financing the sale and maintenance of any goods, articles or commodities of all and every kind and description upon any terms whatsoever and to purchase and otherwise deal in all forms of immovable and movable property including lands and buildings plants and machinery, equipment,ships, aircraft, automobiles, computers and all consumer commercial and industrial items and to lease or otherwise deal with them in any manner whatsoever including resale thereof, regardless of whether the property purchased and leased be new and /or used and to provide a leasing advisory/counseling service to other articles and/or form the leasing arm of other entitles.

(in Cr.) Dec-18 Jun-18 FY17-18
Revenue 0.09 0.09 0.31
Net Profit 0.10 0.00 -0.20
EPS 0.98 0.04 -2.04
Cash EPS 0.99 0.05 -1.99
OPM % 116.09 10.47 3.85
NPM % 112.64 4.65 -65.06
(in %) Dec-18 Sep-18 Jun-18
Promoter 90.76 90.76 90.76
Public 29.48 29.48 29.48
Others -- -- --
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00


Vipul Popatlal Chheda


Julie Mehul Shah


Ravindra Kanji Myatra


Dhanesh Bipinchandra Parikh


Heena Sanjay Desai

Chief Financial Officer

Jai Prakash Vaidya

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

Contact Us

1301, 13th Floor, Peninsula Business Park, Tower B, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400013
022 30036565